The Anti-vehicle Under-body Blast Injury Simulator is a device that accelerates a plate vertically upwards in order to replicate the rapid displacement of the floor of a vehicle being attacked by a mine. The first of its kind, built in 2010, has been used to carry out tests on cadaveric and surrogate lower limbs in order to assess the pathophysiology of mounted (in-vehicle) blast injury and evaluate protective strategies.


Technical Specifications

  • Maximum floor-plate velocity: 20m/s
  • Minimum time to peak velocity: 5ms
Data acquisition using NI PXIe
  • 2 load cells (model 200C20, PCB Piezotronics Ltd) on attached foot plate
  • Accelerometers (model 350D02, PCB Piezotronics Ltd) on loading plate
  • Strain gauges on specimens or embedded sensors with own data acquisition on ATDs


Masouros SD, Newell N, Ramasamy A, et al. Design of a traumatic injury simulator for assessing lower limb response to high loading rates. Ann Biomed Eng 2013;41:1957–67. doi:10.1007/s10439-013-0814-6

Newell N, Masouros SD, Ramasamy A, et al. Use of cadavers and anthropometric test devices (ATDs) for assessing lower limb injury outcome from under‐vehicle explosions. In: 

Masouros SD, Newell N, Bonner TJ, et al. A standing vehicle occupant is likely to sustain a more severe injury than one who has flexed knees in an under‐vehicle explosion: a cadaveric study.  In: 

Grigoriadis G, Carpanen D, Webster CE, et al. Lower Limb Posture Affects the Mechanism of Injury in Under-Body Blast. Ann Biomed Eng 2018;:1–11. doi:10.1007/s10439-018-02138-4

Newell N, Salzar R, Bull AMJ, et al. A validated numerical model of a lower limb surrogate to investigate injuries caused by under-vehicle explosions. J Biomech 2016;49:710–7. doi:10.1016/j.jbiomech.2016.02.007

Newell N, Masouros SD, Bull AMJ. A comparison of MiL-Lx and hybrid-III responses in seated and standing postures with blast mats in simulated under-vehicle explosions.  In: